We are not what happened to us, we are what we wish to become
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate
Carl Jung
Personality Disorder
If your parent or partner can be cold, controlling or devaluing, be dismissive of you or your opinions, has rarely said sorry for anything, seems to be lacking in empathy, gives you the silent treatment which may go on for days or even weeks, if they lie a lot, or are manipulative and self-centred, if you get the feeling they think ‘it’s my way or the highway,’ if they are jealous and highly critical, if they are quick to anger and rage and if you feel you are never good enough – you may have a parent or partner with NPD.
A person with NPD can cause their partner and/or children to feel shamed, belittled and ignored and it can have serious effects on self-worth and self-esteem. A person who grows up with a parent with NPD may develop Complex PTSD, addictions, a panic disorder, anxiety or depression, amongst other outcomes.

Was It That Bad? How Low-Key Abuse Has a Profound Effect
Was It That Bad? Many people who have grown up with a narcissistic parent often question whether their childhood was ‘that bad.’ They may know

The Trauma Bond
Many of us are familiar with the term ‘trauma bond,’ but what does it actually mean? How can we explain the feeling that many people

Why Relationships Can Be Difficult
Why Are Relationships Often Difficult for People Who Have Come From a Narcissistic Family? An issue which troubles many people who come from narcissistic families

The Price We Pay For Our Defences
Defences Protect Us Defences are necessary and we all need to have them. The ideal defences are the mature defences of sublimation, compensation and assertive

NPD – Emotional Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy
What is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy? MSBP is defined as a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under his or her care, such as a child, an elderly adult, or a person who has a disability. The aim of the person with MSBP appears to be to obtain attention, sympathy and in some cases, money. A parent with MSBP can cause their children to come physically close to death, or to actually die. How is a Parent with MSBP Similar to a Parent with NPD? Narcissistic Personality Disorder can be likened to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy but with the difference that people with MSBP cause physical illness in others and people with NPD cause ‘mental illness’ in others. The similarity is in the intentional harming of a vulnerable other to meet their own needs. A parent with NPD

Chronic People Pleasing
The Moulding of a Child Parents with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often produce children who are chronic people pleasers. This is because their children’s characters are suffocated from a young age as the child is moulded into what the narcissist wants the child to be. A very young child will feel an overwhelming sense of rejection, grief and abandonment as their parent stifles them whenever they try to be themselves and assert their wishes. It becomes a truth that if they do not do what other people want they will not be ‘liked.’ This creates a defence mechanism in the child which is triggered whenever the child has the urge to assert themselves. Uncomfortable feelings will arise which serve as a warning and steer the child into prioritising the desires of others over themselves and they suppress their true self. Doing things for the self is seen as selfish and feelings

The Fear of Abandonment and Rejection
What is the Fear of Abandonment? A fear of abandonment is a deep-seated fear of being left by people that you are close to. This

Fear of the Self
How the Fear of the Self Develops A child of a narcissist will often develop a fear of their own self. Beliefs develop in the

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder How C-PTSD Develops Complex PTSD develops in response to chronic traumatisation over the course of months or years. The trauma

How Children are Affected by a Parent with NPD
There are many ways in which children are affected by narcissistic parents and these can include developing addictions, black and white thinking, C-PTSD, paranoia, people
Trauma Articles

Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences A study was published in 1998 as a collaboration between the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

Many children from abusive homes have lifelong issues with trust and very strong paranoid tendencies. This paranoia has served an

The International Trauma Questionnaire
Symptoms of PTSD and Complex PTSD The International Trauma Questionnaire focuses on defining whether a person has Post Traumatic Stress

Structural Dissociation
The Structural Dissociation Model Dissociation is on a spectrum ranging from daydreaming to DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder – formerly known

Symptoms of Trauma
Trauma survivors have symptoms of the trauma in their behaviours and thoughts, these are not their personality or character but

The Brain and Trauma
Swollen Amygdala A child living under traumatic conditions will develop a brain that is very biased to danger. This will

Trauma and Dissociation
Dissociation is on a spectrum. At one end we have normal dissociation such as daydreaming or going onto autopilot when

Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder How C-PTSD Develops Complex PTSD develops in response to chronic traumatisation over the course of
Children of Narcissists on YouTube
If you prefer audio – I read through some of these articles on my YouTube channel.
There are also a few videos which are not based on articles.

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Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
― Carl Jung ―